Law report

This section of the Journal contains the decisions rendered since 2022 by the Italian Supreme Court and lower Courts regarding arbitration matters.

It is not a proper law report, as the full text of the decisions is not published.  Indeed, an abstract of the decisions is only published, following the Italian custom of collecting the so-called ‘maxims’.

The English abstract was generated using AI to translate the Italian abstract, and the translation was not humanly checked. As a consequence, it could be inaccurate. Nonetheless, it could be useful for non Italian (and non Italian speaking) practitioners to get an overall idea of Italian case law.

Anyone interested in the contect of a specific decision, or looking for a translation into English of its text, may contact the general editor via email (roberto.oliva@arbitratoinitalia.it). 

For the available reports, please follow the below links:

On the other hand, a reasoned collection of selected Italian decisions is published on a biannual basis.

For the available collection, please follow the below links: